Doxepin HCl Capsule Prescribed for dogs and cats.
Doxepin HCl Capsule Prescribed for dogs and cats.
Tricyclic antidepressant /antihistamine prescribed for dogs and cat.
Pronunciation - (dox-e-pin)
Doxepin HCl is commonly used as an adjunctive therapy for psychogenic dermatoses including tail biting, flank sucking, anal licking, acral lick dermatitis, excessive grooming, psychogenic alopecia, and feather plucking, particularly those that have an anxiety component
Similar active ingredient as Sinequan®
Trazodone requires a written prescription from a licensed veterinarian.
Specialty Veterinary Pharmacy does not make any claims of efficacy for this medication. These medications are not an FDA approved item but are compounded by a licensed pharmacy.